Project background:
During a design audit of the existing Florida Blue Find Care flow, we discovered that the "Smart Search" area, the search bar that allows users to search for doctors, services, and locations, was not as user-friendly as it was originally intended. Using our internal User Analytics tool, we were able to pinpoint certain pain points and propose potential solutions.
After creating a rough journey map, I was able to highlight potential scenarios which currently exist (blue) and scenarios in which the Smart Search could be modified to provide a more holistic experience (orange).

One pain point within the current design was that the results from the Smart Search dropdown were all grouped in a vertical list, requiring the user to scroll considerably to view all results.

One solution I explored allowed the dropdown to have tabs to help categorize the results in the dropdown itself.

This approach would allow users to view the categories horizontally. It would also present the numerical value of results within each category - indicating whether the user should enter additional information within the search bar to aid in narrowing the results.