Project Background:
Florida Blue, in compliance with state requirements, was looking to build an application that allows users to receive a cost estimate for a "set", or bundle, of services, such as a surgery or series of treatments.
The goal for this particular project was to ensure that users have full access and transparency when it comes to their healthcare and services that Florida Blue provides.

In order to generate the most accurate cost estimate, we designed the UI to allow users to manually select the providers and locations that pertain to the set/bundle of services selected.

Once the user successfully "builds" their set/bundle, a cost estimate is generated. This cost estimate breakdown is modeled after the existing Florida Blue design.

In the cost estimates results page, we included the existing components (Cost Summary and How This Applies) and introduced a few new sections. The Procedure Estimates section provides the user with the price breakdown for each part of the set/bundle. We also included a tab/page that highlights the providers and locations that were selected while building the set/bundle.